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  • Writer's pictureFebruary

5 - Time to meet the surgeon

It worked out good. We were able to drop Holly back off at the airport the same day we met with the surgeon. He basically said that they will take out 2/3's of his esophagus and reshape his stomach into his esophagus. Jody would be in the hospital for a minimum of a week. They will make an incision on his side and one between the belly button and under the breast bone. Really the scar will only be a few inches big and not up on the chest. He will have a nasal gastric tube in for part of the recovery in the hospital checking the fluid for leaks, multiple drain tubes, and a feeding tube. Jody will not be allowed anything oral, not even ice chips for a few days to let some healing happen where they reconnect the stomach and esophagus.

Gannon went with us to this appointment . It was probably a good thing for him to hear what the surgeon said and the prognosis. I think Gannon and Holly definitely were the two kids to take it the hardest. They both really worry about their dad.

After leaving CTCA Jody's next biggest thing was getting his kids as prepared as possible for the AP exams before he would be out for the rest of the year. If you are reading this you probably are close enough to know how he is about getting them ready and his love for those kids and teaching!

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