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  • Writer's pictureFebruary

9 - The Day Of

As anxious as we were for the day it still felt like we did not get enough time.

5 am came really early. We arrived at the hospital at 6 am and they had Jody back 5 minutes alter. His blood pressure was high and the nurse was asking what it normally runs. Jody said "I think it might be high right now. I am having chest pain". Right after the nurse did the IV Jody said "the pain is gone. I bet my b/p is down.". He told me that was the only he was truly nervous over. He hates needles.

It really all went to fast and by 6:40 they had taken him and I was out of there. They told me he should be done by mid day and that I would get a call every two hours with how he was doing. I was also told the day before not to sit at the hospital for that many hours. I went back to the hotel across the street and have been waiting.

815 am - I got my first call that he was back in surgery and doing well. It's now 10 am and I think I am going to head over and hope he is done soon. I will update this again as soon as I get another call or he is done...

Thank you to everyone that has been praying and is still praying.

1030 am - The nurse called with an update while I was on my way over. He's still in surgery but, everything is going as planned. She thinks they may be on the downhill but, not 100% sure. She will call with another update if not. If so I will get a call when they are done to go back.

1215 - They called and he's out of surgery. I went right back and met with the Dr.'s. They said everything went smoothly. They had to take out a little more esophagus than anticipated (3/4) to clear all the Barrett's. The Dr.'s said the next few days will be tough with all the tubes coming out of Jody and him having to get up and start moving. They said we should be able to see him in about an hour.

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