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  • Writer's pictureFebruary

3 - Spring Break Starts

We scheduled the endoscopy for the same time Holly and Cory were flying in so that we could pick them up in Atlanta at the same time. The morning of the procedure the Dr. seemed confident all would be ok and we would walk out of there being told high grade dysplasia.

While waiting for Jody to get done I started researching our new gastro dr. He is the best of the best. After everything I read I knew we could not ask for a better gastro dr.

This was a long waiting game the morning of. When Dr. Woods came back in and said he found a 2 centimeter (1 inch) nodule and the barretts was now long segment and covered at least 8 inches of his esophagus. I knew this meant cancer. Dr. Woods then proceeded to tell me that he sent it out to be staged and we would not have answers till the following week. Jody was still dozing in and out through a lot of this and I had to explain it all when he got up. This meant another trip to Atlanta.

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