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May 31, 2020

I said I would update daily and it looks like I will have plenty of time. Jody tolerated yesterdays chemo that they did in the hospital well. We were both very worried about that one as it is a platin. Platins are the same family as the first chem that landed him in the hospital but, was knocking the cancer out. So, YAY for no major reactions yet. They hooked the pump up at 3pm right when he finished the the first chemo. So far it has been fairly smooth as far as chemo goes.

Yesterday a friend had food delivered to our hotel room when we got back from the hospital. As I am super indecisive she surprised us with what it was. Turns out it was perfect and Jody ate really well! It was bbq with all the sides. Weirdly, Jody has been craving baked beans the last few days. He ate all of them and thoroughly enjoyed it (I did not later in the evening). After dinner he took a nap, went for a short walk with me and the dogs, and made it through a few shows. I would say he had a very good evening!

Today though he woke up early feeling very nauseous. I gave him something for that and he just sat in bed real still for about 3 hours. It finally passed. When I got him settled I ran to Walmart to get a couple things and when I got back he was sound asleep. I am pretty sure he will spend the next few days sleeping while hooked to this pump. It's a little boring in here with him sleeping but, I am thankful he is sleeping and not in pain or sick right now. I did find a pair of scissors today and gave Campbell the worst possible haircut a yorkie could have. At least the mattes are gone and he's not as hot when we walk.

Our room is small but, comfortable. The staff are friendly and the best part is we can have Campbell and Whitney with us. They are both extremely well behaved in hotel rooms. They have been traveling with us since they were babies. We also brought the firestick to watch movies but, I think with being isolated to the house since March we may have watched almost everything out.

Tomorrow at 3 we go back to the hospital and they will hook another bag of chemo up. I will update after that and let everyone know how this evening and tomorrow goes.

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