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March 28, 2020

We saw the Nurse Practitioner, acupuncturist, and had chemo yesterday. Acupuncture went well. Jody actually said he has not been that relaxed in months. I hope it helps to get his gut back on track.

As far as the NP goes we didn't have great news. His cancers markers have gone up. This is the first time they have gone up since starting chemo. Actually they dropped quite a bit every time with the old chemo but, as we all know his body wouldn't tolerate that one. We will see his Oncologist at the next chemo in two weeks and we are thinking if the numbers are still going up he may try to change to a third line defense for chemo. That will probably be Keytruda. He did have chemo though yesterday and maybe now that he has had two of the new one they will go down next time. If not I think there will be a new plan put into place but, we will know more in two weeks.

As far as chemo goes, he tolerated it well again this week. No bad side effects. I imagine the steroids will wear off by Monday and he will be extra tired and short of breath for a week or so and then slowly start to come out of it. He still has issues most of the time when he eats but, not like a month ago. He is eating well and put on a few lbs the last two weeks.

We have pretty much stayed put around the house with this nasty virus everywhere except for the trip to the cancer center. We are super thankful to some amazing friends for getting Jody a mask to wear across the state and back in case we had to stop and use the bathroom and to get him into the buildings. I think he may think I am over killing it with lysol. I even lysol our groceries before bringing them in or letting him near them. We just can't be to safe right now. I was able to get out and get a few things before but, I am thinking the way this nasty stuff is popping up it may be time to take a sweet college girl we have gotten close to over the last few years up on her offer to pick up our stuff.

Thank you again to everyone praying for Jody and our family...

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