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January 12, 2019

I know it's been a few weeks since I posted. It has been a crazy few weeks for us. I will rewind back to December 23rd. After Jody's last chemo the attacks continued through December 24th. When those finally stopped he was still tired with achy joints until the following weekend.

We drove up to Michigan to see his family two days after Christmas. I had to do most the driving up there. The neuropathy was so bad he could not run into a gas station with out coat, hat, and gloves. By Sunday the 29th he was a different person. We spent the whole day driving around the Upper Peninsula going to the different waterfalls and Sault St. Marie. As the days went on he kept getting back to his old self.

January 6th he went back to school. He was very tired the first few days and was taking naps when he got home. As the week went on he was even doing better after long days at work.

He. had to go back on the 10th for his next round of chemo. Anytime it was mentioned he got anxiety thinking about it. His Dr. called on the 8th and said that we would do a desensitization protocol for the Oxaliplatin and hopefully that would stop the attacks in his chest.

When we got to the cancer center on the 10th he had to have labs drawn right away. We weren't expecting the cancer markers to go down. The oncologist had already told us that they more than like it would not go down and actually would probably still be climbing until the 2nd or 3rd treatment. He said not to get discouraged and that is normal while it is trying to work. His numbers not only did not go up but, went down half a point. That is a very insignificant amount but, not going up is HUGE this early on. As awful as the chemo was seeing his numbers like this made it worth it he said.

Due to some mess ups with the protocol he could not get his treatment on the 10th but, we were able to get it down on the 11th. We were in chemo from 8am until 730 pm doing the desensitization. Everything was going good again until the very end. He started having attacks again. He had them all night. They were longer and much worse than the first time. He started gabapentin right after the chemo hoping that would help. as of tonight (the day after) he hasn't had one in almost 7 hours. I do believe the gabapentin is now building up in his system and working. If that is the case it will make this much better. He is very tired and sore again but, that is nothing compared to the other.

Allison and her husband Eli came over tonight and gave us a little gift. Definitely another reason to fight. August 24, 2020.

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