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  • Writer's pictureFebruary

4 - Finally Getting Answers

The last five days has been the longest in our marriage waiting to get answers. Easter Sunday we took the kids out to breakfast and then Jody and I left for the CTCA. We went over the night before and found a nice states park to go on a little hike and a great second hand store that is 50% on Mondays.

We spent the previous few days researching what our options were depending on what stage it was. At this point we knew he would probably recommend and esophagectomy. As much as Jody had continuously said he did not want to lose his esophagus he knew that was probably the best option now.

Dr. Woods came in and told us the Jody has "a cancer", I gave this a thought of thought later about how he worded it. He did not say he "has cancer". I think this made it sound more like he had something but, it did not define him and was just "a thing". He then proceeded to tell us that Jody had a great prognosis. Dr. Woods said he rarely gets to give people this great of news because people are usually past this point and having trouble swallowing. He then said his recommendation was to take out part of the esophagus. We told him that we already knew if that was the recommendation that we had talked about it and that is what we would do. He told us next we would meet with the surgeon. Dr. Woods said he had already spoken with who would be our surgeon. He is with CTCA but, also a colleague of his at Emory. He told us that this surgeon was one of the best. However, he could not meet with us for a few days. Back home we went for two days.

I was starting to enjoy our trips over there though. We always tried to find something little and fun to do and the long ride home was a way for us to talk and decompress everything that had happened and what we had found out before we got home and had to tell the kids and our family.

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