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April 17, 2020

Jody had chemo on the 10th. When we saw the oncologist his markers were still going up. The Dr. was ready to change his chemo that day and then after talking more he decided to do it at the next appt. The new chemo will require us to stay in Atlanta for five nights vs. the two we do right now. Definitely not thrilled about being in a hotel an extra three nights or to find out today the normal hotels we use with a reduced rate that have kitchenettes are no longer contracted with our cancer center for their patients.. So, no kitchenette from here on out.

The new chemo will require him to do a regular treatment at the center. They will also hook him up to a pump that he will have on for four days. At the end we go back and they unhook him and then we go home. But, we have to stay in town at a hotel while he is on the pump instead of going home and driving back at the end. The new chemo is also in the platin family. That is what the first chemo was that worked so well but, landed him in the hospital with a bad toxicity. The dr. said it's the same family but, different chemo so he does not think it will cause all the same problems but, should work well.

Jody did really well at the last chemo. This last week has been a little tougher. He was definitely feeling the side effects by Sunday night. Monday morning he seemed to be doing good for a few hours and then just went down hill. He was exhausted and very short of breath for the rest of the day. Tuesday and Wednesday he was still very tired and short of breath. Thursday he did not get out of bed till after 7 in the evening. That is not like him. He complained of nausea all day, his skin hurt, and was itchy. Friday seemed to be slightly better. He was up earlier and did not complain much. I know he hurts even when he doesn't complain but, I think he tries not to unless it's really bad. Most days we try to go for a short walk on the dirt road but, a few days this week he didn't make that.

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