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  • Writer's pictureFebruary

February 27, 20

They put the picc line last Friday and he started on the tpn Friday night. Saturday and Sunday were pretty much of the same things as the previous few days. They kept him on pain meds around the clock. He still wasn't eating but, by Sunday was starting to drink well. Monday we were discharged to to the hotel but, not free to go home. They wanted to adjust his tpn for Monday night and then draw labs in the morning. We got up early Tuesday morning and went to infusion to have his tpn disconnected and labs drawn. The labs looked good and now we were free to go home.

Our first night home was awful. Jody woke up coughing every 5-10 minutes till about 130am. Then the medical supply company delivered his pump and supplies about 2 am Wednesday morning. Thank goodness Gannon was up to sign for it all. We tried to get up and go to work Wednesday morning but, due to being up half the night coughing and his hands were in excruciating pain he finally gave in and decided he needed one more day. A few hours later the home health agency called to set up his first visit and look at his picc line. After a short conversation they said they couldn't come out since he was not home bound and was still going to go to work. We decided it was best to go in and see Jody's local primary care provider to make sure he was not starting in with something that could turn serious after all the coughing and to get something to help with the pain in his hands that was not as strong as the morphine they sent him home on. Shelly did a chest xray and said that a small portion of the lung is still collapsed. She gave him an inhaler to hopefully get his breathing back. She also gave him a much milder pain pill that should help with the rest.

Wednesday night he started coughing again. I was more awake and realized what was happening this time. The morphine was causing constant sleep apnea. It's bad enough it has caused most of his short term memory to not work but, now he can't sleep. We did get up and go to work Thursday morning. He is very tired from not sleeping and still has pain in his hands but, the breathing is better. Everyday is a little better than the day before.

We are having the picc line taken out since it looks as though he won't be using it at all since being discharged. I am constantly reminding him when to eat and tracking his calories and protein. He goes back on the 12th for a follow up with his oncologist and the 13th he starts the new chemo.

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