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  • Writer's pictureFebruary


We got into to New York last night and saw the oncologist today. Not a whole lot to report. He is going to do the chemo regimen recommended by Weisenthal from the testing we had done on Jody's tissue. Right now it is a waiting game whether we get it done this week or have to come back next week. One of the chemo's the insurance may cover and we are waiting to see if they get an approval for it and if it happens fairly quickly Jody will start chemo this week. Even if they don't get an approval we may be able to just pay cash and get him started this week. It really is about how fast we get a response from the insurance company. We are hoping for one tomorrow and then we can get started either way. If for some reason there is a delay we could end up coming back up to New York next week.

The first treatment will only be two of the three chemo's that he needs because the third one has to be ordered and it could take a few weeks. As soon as it comes in they will add it. We should know within a few treatments if it is working.

While we wait Jody is teaching from the hotel room and we are pretty much staying put except to run out and get food to bring back. I think we would enjoy seeing some of the city if he was well enough but, it is just to much with him sick and the constant worry of Covid. We walked about a 1/4 mile to pick up some food tonight and that was almost to much for him right now.

Here are some pics from the last 24 hours. Turns out the diner we picked up food from is where the Sienfeld show was brought to life by Jerry and Larry. Jody was just thrilled when we saw the sign and he found out. Seinfeld is one of his all time favorites.

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