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  • Writer's pictureFebruary


Chemo was actually very quick on Friday. The medications they hang before the chemo took longer than the chemo itself. When he finished we had a few hours of daylight left and tried to go see a few things in New York. A lot of places were closed but, even the ones that were open we did not go in. We just did some outside sight seeing.

Saturday morning when he woke up he said he felt better than he had in quite a while and his back was not hurting bad. That is a very big deal as we are up and down all night with back pain from the last surgery. He did still have 7 chemo pills he had to take Saturday morning and 7 more Saturday night. After his pills in the morning he said he was "So tired. Tired down to the cellular level". He tried to explain by saying he felt as though he had been drugged. Compared to all the last chemos and what they did to him I will take this side effect.

It is Sunday and he slept very well again last night. He is extremely exhausted but, eating well with out nausea! No chemo pills today but, he still feels drugged off and on. He takes a lot of naps.

His nurse in New York did reiterate a few times that he was going to be more compromised on this chemo than he has been in a while. One of the common side effects of this chemo is his white blood cell count dropping. We are going to try to get a local oncologist to follow his side effects and check levels so maybe those can be managed here instead of going to New York and spending extra days up there dealing with it. We are scheduled to be back up there on the 28th. Hopefully, we will have someone here that can do labs before we go and whatever is needed before heading up.

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